Lifescience Innovation Good Healthcare Technology (LIGHT) was born from the idea of the University of Brescia to modernize the spaces currently present in the laboratories of the CENTRO SERVIZI MULTISETTORIALE E TECNOLOGICO S.R.L. (CSMT) – controlled by the University itself – which represent a reference technological focal point created for the widespread growth of the territory, the stimulation of innovation and technology transfer and their application, and the development and improvement of the skills and competitiveness of companies. The infrastructure “LIGHT” is becoming a main centre for the development and transfer of technologies in the domain of health and wellbeing. Its main objective is to strengthen public private collaboration with a view to a more profound integration of basic research skills with industrial and experimental ones. The University of Brescia intends to enhance its research capacities through technology-driven multi-planning in the health sector and to improve the diagnosis, monitoring, assistance and rehabilitation care.
Some important private industrial companies with an international scope have manifested an expression of interest in the initiative and on specific research lines, an aspect that highlights the importance of the initiative and guarantees a rapid construction of the program, already extensively co-built with them. It is beginning to provide the international, national and local research community with high-grade instruments and services to conceive, experiment, develop and validate ideas in the fields of cutting-edge pharmacology coupled with artificial intelligence and of health tech for telemedicine and the hospital of the future.
“LIGHT” will promote the dissemination of technological innovation and will provide high-level competences, representing a point of interest for the national and international scientific community. The Infrastructure’s large-scale analytical and productivity capabilities will allow it to serve a very wide catchment area. Moreover, the research results will help to create new realities that will be able to convert ideas and research products into real products and services.

The main trajectories that characterize the infrastructure hubs are the following:
AI and Big Data Main Hub
- Large scale analysis: integrative analysis on generated and remote acquired data;
- Big data storage;
- Planning and design of a data sharing platform;
- Web-site construction and updating;
- Knowledge transfer management and Research doctorate coordination;
Digital Health Care Hub
- Telemedicine, virtual care, digital technologies and sensors for preventive, participatory and personalized medicine and for the innovation of health services;
- Hospital of the future, artificial intelligence for precision diagnostic, and clinical engineering for organizative innovation and management of health services;
- Advanced controls and comprehensive solutions in Track & Trace and Quality Inspection, to protect drugs throughout their life-cycle;
AI Biopharma Hub
- Artificial intelligence-driven design, synthesis and activity characterization of new drugs and bio-drugs through the Dompé EXSCALATE platform
- Validation of the new drugs and peptide activity on potential pharmacological target in biological systems to generate new data feeding the database;
The infrastructure is articulated according a multi-site model in the area of the University of Brescia North Campus. The Main Hub will host Big data, coordination and simulation, prototyping and experimentation activities with decentralized nodes. Modernization of the existing CSMT building is planned, resulting in a floor of at least 600 m2: there will be the Main Hub offices with the in silico and molecular biology laboratories, and an experimental area of the Digital Health care Hub (telemedicine, virtual care).